Sunday, May 25, 2014

Vote at gunpoint,' anyone? US keen to legitimize 'good' election in Ukraine

People cast votes in a mock ballot box that reads "Rubbish bin for the President" during an anti-election rally in the eastern city of Donetsk May 25, 2014. (Reuters / Maxim Zmeyev)

A team of American lawmakers is in Ukraine to observe the presidential election which Washington has called a historic milestone and provided over US$ 11.4 million to support the vote despite ongoing violence in eastern Ukraine.
US senators Rob Portman (R-Ohio) and Benjamin Cardin (D-Maryland) arrived in Ukraine’s capital Kiev as a part of the American monitoring mission. The US team is led by former Secretary of State, Madeleine Albright.
Ahead on Sunday’s voting, Maryland Democratic Senator Benjamin Cardin emphasized Washington’s backing for the vote . more...