Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Kendall Jenner Posts a Highly-Inappropriate Bikini Pic of Herself (PHOTO)

kendall jenner 
Kylie Jenner's daily bikini shots. And now here's Kendall posting a photo of what (almost) appears to be her bare arse.
Come on, girls. You're all gorgeous, but hasn't anyone ever heard of a little mystique, for cryin' out loud?!

Kendall posted the above super-risque photo to her Instagram, along with the caption, "Knocked out in the fiercest way." She's clearly wearing a full bikini bottom here, but between her position and the shadows cast in the photo, it basically looks like she's showing off her butt in a thong.
Being that she's a model, Kendall is no stranger to nudity and/or racy photos, but truth be told, this picture isn't really necessary. She looks amazing, but ... really, Kendall? And really, Kris Jenner, for being totally cool with both of your teen daughters constantly posting overtly sexual photos of themselves .
Clearly, the Kardashian-Jenners see nothing wrong with what they're doing and have no plans to quit the sexy-Instagram-pic train any time in the near future. But, at the very least, it would be nice once in a while to see a few of the girls, you know, clothed. I wonder what they'd look like.
Do you think Kendall and Kyle's bikini photos are getting out of control?